Thursday, January 19, 2012

Newt is a Newt

I find it quite hilarious that Newt "Pillsbury Doughboy" Gingrich wanted an "open marriage" with his ex-wife Marianne Gingrich while he was allegedly seeing his current wife, Callista. This all occurred while Newt was giving speeches around the country about family values and bitching about Bill Clinton's scandal.

Newt will NEVER be the GOP presidential nominee because he has no family or Christian values--- a major issue to the Republican base. He just wouldn't fall under the "conservative category".

However, Republicans are desperate to get that socialist, Muslim Barack Hussein Obama out of office because he's destroying our country, our constitution, our get the point.

If for some odd chance he would become the nominee, the Republican party as we know it will be finished. All those who would vote for Gingrich would be hypocrites. Which most of them already are. . . . For some reason, Republicans put there feet in their mouths much more often than democrats.

Obama/Biden '12

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